Steve Bannon Says Elon Musk Is Owned by Chinese Communist Party

2 gün ONCE

Brendan Cole

Published Mar 11, 2023 at 7:27 AM ESTUpdated Mar 13, 2023 at 7:24 PM EDT

Former White House strategist Steve Bannon has called Tesla founder Elon Musk“a complete phoney” and accused him of being in hock to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Bannon made the comment on the Tim Pool Daily Show podcast after Musk tweeted that he was “open to the idea” of acquiring Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). The tech lender went under on Friday, stranding billions of dollars of investors’ and companies’ money, in the second-largest bank failure in U.S. history.

Amid the chaos of the bank’s collapse, Min-Liang Tan, CEO of Singaporean technology company Razer, wrote on Twitter that Musk should consider buying SVB and turning it into a digital bank. Musk retweeted the message, adding, “I’m open to the idea.”

Elon Musk, Steve Bannon
This combined image shows Tesla founder Elon Musk (left) in Stavanger, Norway on August 29, 2022, and (right) former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on March 3,… Getty Images

When asked for his reaction, Bannon said that Twitter, which Musk bought for $44 billion in October 2022, had blocked “anti-CCP” voices. He accused the social-media platform’s CEO of being “owned by the Chinese Communist Party.”

Arguing that Tesla was the only thing of Musk’s “of real value,” Bannon said “he uses it for margin loans. He sells the stock. The Shanghai joint venture is a hundred percent controlled by the CCP.

“This is why he never goes after the CCP,” added Bannon, “This is when they had the protest. They had the protest about the lockdowns of COVID. He will not do it.

“Elon Musk is a total and complete phoney,” Bannon said. “He is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the Chinese Communist Party.”

Tesla relies a great deal on its auto factory in Shanghai and the Chinese market for its electric vehicles. On the 100th anniversary of the CCP’s founding, Musk also praised China’s “economic prosperity.”

During the discussion with Bannon, the anchor of the podcast, Pool, raised how the CCP had warned Musk not to discuss the theory that the COVID-19 virus originated in a lab in Wuhan, China.

“They wanted him to take down the tweets he did the first time,” said Bannon. “Now, he didn’t take them down, but you notice he didn’t have any more up there after that.”

As of Saturday morning, Republican Florida representative Matt Gaetz‘s tweet of the Bannon exchange had received 483,000 views.

It is not the first time that Bannon has criticized Musk. More than four years ago, after the 51-year-old had walked back comments that he was going to take Tesla private, Bannon accused him of having an “emotional breakdown.”

“This is the level of maturity you have with these people,” Bannon told CNN in August 2018.

Newsweek has emailed Tesla for a response from Musk to Bannon’s criticism, and has also reached out to Bannon.


Elon Musk, gizli Çin savaşı brifingi hakkındaki NYT raporunun ardından Pentagon sızdırıcılarını tehdit ediyor

Donald J.'nin Açılışı 47. Başkan Olarak Trump
Teknoloji milyarderi, “Bulunacaklar,” diye uyardı.


Donald Trump’ın baş danışmanı Elon Musk, teknoloji milyarderinin Çin ile olası bir Amerikan savaşı hakkında brifing alması gerektiğine dair bilgileri sızdırmış olabilecek Pentagon çalışanlarını açıkça tehdit etti.

New York Times tarafından ABD saatiyle Perşembe akşamı yayınlanan haberde, isimsiz Amerikalı yetkililere göre Pentagon’un Cuma günü Musk’a ABD ordusunun Çin ile patlak verebilecek herhangi bir savaş planı hakkında bilgi vermeyi planladığı belirtildi.

Hikaye yayınlandıktan sonra, planlanan toplantı Pentagon yetkilileri ve Başkan Trump tarafından onaylandı – ancak her ikisi de oturumun Çin’i içeren askeri planları tartışacağını reddetti.

Trump, Truth Social platformundaki bir gönderide “Çin’den bahsedilmeyecek veya tartışılmayacak bile” diye yazdı. “İtibarsız medyanın bu tür yalanları uydurabilmesi ne kadar utanç verici. Her neyse, hikaye tamamen doğru değil!!!”

Trump’ın yorumları daha sonra New York Times’ı “saf propaganda” olarak nitelendiren ve “NYT’ye kötü niyetli olarak yanlış bilgi sızdıran Pentagon’dakilerin kovuşturulmasını dört gözle beklediğini” söyleyen Musk tarafından X’e yeniden yayınlandı.

Teknoloji milyarderi, “Bulunacaklar,” diye uyardı.

Beyaz Saray’ı kızdıran New York Times raporu, Pentagon tarafından böyle bir brifingin Musk’ın zaten geniş kapsamlı rolünü genişleteceğini ve Musk’ın büyük bir hükümet yüklenicisi olan SpaceX gibi şirketlerini yönetmeye devam ederken ve Çin’de iş yaparken federal bürokrasinin derinliklerine inerken potansiyel çıkar çatışmalarıyla ilgili soruları vurgulayacağını vurguladı.


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